List of markets to check out

I came across a list of the Grower's Farmer's Market in Sydney and NSW and thought I'd list it down for future references:
Camden Farmers' Market - Lower John Street, Camden, second and fourth Sat of the month, 7am - noon
Eveleigh Farmers' Market - 243 Wilson Street, Darlington, Saturdays, 8am - 1pm
EQ Village Markets - 122 Lang Road, Moore Park, Weds and Sats, 10am - 3.30pm
The Sydney Morning Herald Growers' Market - Pyrmont Bay Park, first Sat of the month, 7am - 11am
Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers' Market - Castle Hill Showground, Carrington Road, second Sat of the month, 8am - noon
Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers' Market - Rouse Hill Town Centre, Market Square, fourth Sat of the month, 8 am - 1pm
Manly Farmers' Market - Short Street Plaza, Sats, 9 am - 1pm
Northside Farmers' Market - Miller St, North Sydney, third Sat of the month, 8am - noon 
The Rocks Farmers' Market - cnr Argyle and George Sts, Fris and Sats, 10 am - 3pm
Warwick Farm Farmers' Market - Childs Park, Ascot Drive, Chipping Norton, Sats, 8am - noon
Blackheath Growers' Market - Blackheath Community Hall, second Sat of the month, 8am - midday
Mudgee Farmers' Market - Nabiac Showground last Sat of the month, 8am - midday
Young and Region Farmers' Market - Anderson Park, Young, First and third Sat of the month, 8am - 11am